SVP’s Khosla Says Companies Are Hitting Debt Maturity Wall

SVP’s Khosla Says Companies Are Hitting Debt Maturity Wall

Strategic Cost Partners founder and CIO Victor Khosla discusses the bid of the commercial proper property market and the outlook for the US economy at the Milken Institute Worldwide Conference…

Dangers Facing Business Proper Property

Dangers Facing Business Proper Property

John Fish, Proper Property Roundtable Chairman and Suffolk Founder, Chairman and CEO, dives into the main issues going via commercial accurate estate and why he believes the temper on the…

Friedman: There Are Ethical Resources in True Estate

Friedman: There Are Ethical Resources in True Estate

In a sea of accurate estate weak point, Joshua Friedman, Canyon Partners Co-founder and Co-CEO sees opportunities in multi-household homes, however cautions that refinancing steadiness sheets at most modern rates…

China Evergrande Heads to Liquidation; Trading Suspended

China Evergrande Heads to Liquidation; Trading Suspended

China Evergrande Community, the realm’s most-indebted property developer, received a liquidation voice from a Hong Kong court. Resolve Linda Chan said a wind-up will close up within the firm being managed by provisional liquidators and…

What Nation Garden’s Debt Woes Point out to China Property Market

What Nation Garden’s Debt Woes Point out to China Property Market

Nation Garden Holdings Co.’s revealed tiring Thursday that it expects to post a win loss of Forty five billion yuan to 55 billion yuan ($7.6 billion) for the predominant half…

China Holds Off on Mammoth Stimulus, Signals Property Easing

China Holds Off on Mammoth Stimulus, Signals Property Easing

The Chinese Communist Event’s 24-member Politburo — the pause resolution-making body led by President Xi Jinping — signaled more strengthen for the apprehensive valid property sector alongside pledges to raise consumption and resolve local…

China Indicators Extra Economic Reduction After Property Debt Relief

China Indicators Extra Economic Reduction After Property Debt Relief

China will lengthen insurance policies to enhance money-strapped developers and shore up the unwell precise estate sector, and is signaling more financial enhance measures are impending. James Mayger experiences on…

The Debt Crisis Looming in Commercial True Estate

The Debt Crisis Looming in Commercial True Estate

John Gittelsohn and Natalie Wong talk about how higher ardour rates are impacting the property market and commercial precise estate on Bloomberg Television. Practice Bloomberg for enterprise news & evaluation,…

Typhoon Dorian threatens more than $100 billion in genuine property

Typhoon Dorian threatens more than $100 billion in genuine property

As Typhoon Dorian heads in direction of Florida, roughly 670,000 homes with a reconstruction worth of virtually $150 billion are at possibility. Subscribe to the CBS News Channel HERE: sContain…

China real estate company Evergrande Group narrowly avoids default

China real estate company Evergrande Group narrowly avoids default